Monday, March 1, 2010


I think too much. I've been in a thinking mood the last few weeks ... oh, maybe even a few months. Too much thinking and not enough action.

I'm now thinking about running for an elected office in Rutherford County. I have thought of this before, and got the distinct impression in prayer that I should do it, and then chickened out. I don't know if I will have a chance to make it a reality but Jim and James were both very supportive. (The girls had gone to bed by the time I brought it up.)

I simply think about all the mistakes I have made in my entire life and think "Why would anyone want to vote for me?" Well, I guess it's not the winning that is important, but the running ... the opportunity to share my ideas with others.

So, I will keep the unknown world posted on the developments in this area.

1 comment:

  1. You should have ran, need people from outside the system to get things changed. I came across your facebook page and friended you, then came to check your blog. I do one at
